
If you hope to give your child a positive first impression of the dentist, there are a few things you can do to make that first appointment comfortable and happy. Local Ewa Beach kids’ dentist office, Keiki Dental, is here to help with a few tips.

Keep the following in mind to ensure a positive dentist appointment for your child:

  • Tour The Office: Rather than wait for their first exam, wouldn’t it be great if your kid could come meet the staff beforehand? Most children’s dentist offices are more than happy to let new patients tour the facility. Just call the office in advance to set up the best time.

  • Ask Lots Of Questions: You and your child may have a lot  of questions before the big day. It’s only natural to have a few concerns, but don’t be afraid to discuss them! Your local kids’ dentist will happy to answer your questions.

  • Know Your Options: If your child feels more comfortable with a favorite toy, they are absolutely welcome to bring it to their first exam. You may even be able to sit in the exam room with your child, so they know you’re right there; just ask the dentist, Dr. Yongsok Do. Particularly anxious children are also welcome to use conscious dental sedation, a perfectly safe way to make exams more comfortable.

  • Stay Positive: Do your best to avoid saying negative things about the dentist; even if you think it’s funny, your kid might not interpret it that way. Don’t seed their imagination with scary stories, and let your child make up their own mind about the experience.dentistry

  • Make It Educational: Does your child know why it’s so important to visit the dentist? Talk about it! Supplement your conversation and explore the subject further with videos, articles, books, and other materials about kids’ dental care.

Need a kids’ dentist? Dr. Yongsok Do is a board-certified pediatric dentist based in Ewa Beach. For any questions about family dentistry services at Keiki Dental, call (808) 680-9411, or visit the website for more information.
