
There is no right age to start waxing!  The right age is when the child and parent believes it is time.  My daughter, who is in the picture, started waxing when she nine years old.  We started with her eyebrows and have since moved on to her underarms and legs.  Although she does not wax as often I think she should, I do not pressure her about waxing, I wait for her to tell me when she is ready.  Here are a few things to consider:

  • Is the child able to care for the skin post waxing?  The skin may feel irritated after the first few sessions; however, it is important that the child does not pick at or scratch the skin.  Additionally, the skin will need to be kept clean and moisturized.  
  • Is the child able to withstand the pain? Waxing more than one area at a time for an adult can be a bit much; so, you should start of slowly with children. I recommend starting with smaller areas and eventually building up to two or more areas per session.  
  • Why does the child want to have their hair removed? This goes back to making sure the child is ready and not doing it because of peer or parent pressure.   Waxing is not the most pleasant thing, and being forced to do it makes it more unpleasant.

If your child is considering waxing, come on by so that I can discuss waxing and post waxing skin care.  Additionally, I can do a patch test on an arm or leg so they can get a feel for waxing.   

