
Train, railroad, and trucking accidents are often catastrophic, resulting in major property damage, serious injuries, and even death. In the aftermath of these experiences, many people find themselves confused and overwhelmed by the prospect of navigating the complexities of the law while dealing with potentially life-changing injuries. When it comes train and railroad accidents, Balderrama Law Firm LLC, in Carlsbad, NM, can lend a helping hand to guide you through the process.

According to these wrongful death attorneys, here are a few aspects victims should know about rail and trucking accidents:

  • State & Federal Guidelines Apply: Companies charged with transporting goods and operating extremely large vehicles are tightly regulated by the federal government, as well as the state’s Department of Transportation. If your injuries were caused by a violation of these strict standards, you may be able to collect compensation for your injuries.
  • Company May Be Responsible: Depending on the circumstances which led to your injuries, the company who employed the vehicle operator may be liable for your damages as well. For example, if the driver had a history of citations on his record before being hired or was breaking the law at the time of the accident, your personal injury attorney may recommend filing a lawsuit.
  • trucking accidentDamages Can Be Extreme: Due to the amount of destruction rail and trucking accidents can cause, accurately calculating your damages can be difficult. Not only should you ask for compensation for the medical expenses and trauma you've already experienced, but for those you're likely to incur in the future.

For almost a decade, Balderrama Law Firm LLC, has been fighting for the rights of those injured in serious rail and trucking accidents. To learn more about how they can help you collect the compensation you deserve, visit their website or call (575) 234-1111 to schedule a consultation today.
