
Regular checkups are an important part of everyone’s health, even for pets. Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital, which provides the best care to animals in the Southgate, KY, area, says you should take your pets to their veterinarian at least once a year for wellness testing. This may include a physical examination, bloodwork, urine sampling, and vaccinations. However, if your pet is older, has a previous history of illness, or is under a year old, more frequent wellness testing may be recommended.

The veterinarians at Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital explain why wellness testing is so important:

  • Monitor Internal Organs: For older pets and those with certain medical conditions, wellness testing is essential for monitoring their internal organs to ensure they are functioning properly. Bloodwork and a urine sample are required to analyze your pet’s organ health.
  • wellness testingPrevent Illness: To catch potential risk factors for specific medical conditions like diabetes or heartworm, your dog or cat’s veterinarian will want to conduct a wellness test. If any symptoms are noticed early, effective treatment can begin sooner.
  • Keep Weight In Check: If your pet struggles with weight issues, whether they’re over or underweight, wellness testing can help identify any underlying problems. Blood can be drawn to analyze their metabolism, electrolyte levels, and pancreas function.
  • Ensure The Health Of Aging Pets: Because pets age much faster than humans, it’s important that their health is carefully monitored throughout their later years in life. As your dog or cat gets older, it’s a wise idea to have them seen yearly or even bi-yearly to check for common age-related medical problems, like loss of muscle mass, arthritis, cataracts, and dental disease.

Aside from the above reasons, the veterinarians at Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital say that a yearly wellness testing exam is a great time to address any concerns you may have regarding your pet’s health, such as whether or not they are being provided the proper diet or getting enough exercise.

For more on why wellness testing is so important for your pet’s health, or to schedule a checkup with Southgate’s best veterinarians, call Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital at (859) 781-1800. To learn more about the first-rate pet care clinic, visit Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital’s website.
