
It’s back-to-school time once again, and your family is about to get a whole lot busier. In between the blur of books and backpacks, don’t forget to visit the dentist! Biannual checkups are a critical part of dental health, and now is the perfect time to visit Family First Dentistry before the school year hits. Anchorage’s trusted family dentistry practice will schedule convenient appointments for your whole family so you can scratch your dental and orthodontic needs off your to-do list in a single day!

dentistKids and adults of all ages are encouraged to visit the dentist twice a year for checkups and professional cleanings. These regular visits are a crucial part of building good dental habits, establishing a healthy relationship with dental care, and identifying potential problems early. While giving your teeth the top-notch care they deserve, the team will make you feel at home and work to provide you with financial options so excellent dental care is enjoyable and accessible to everyone.

If anyone in your family needs specialized help beyond routine cleanings and checkups, the dentists at Family First Dentistry will take care of that, too. With specialties ranging from dental implants and crowns to invisible orthodontics and veneers, this multi-talented team will make sure you never have to make a special trip to care for your teeth. They can even set you up with effective, safe teeth whitening treatments for a fresh new look to start the school year off right!

Schedule your back-to-school appointments today at Family First Dentistry’s convenient location in midtown Anchorage. To learn more, call the office at (907) 562-2820 or visit their website. You can also keep up with the dentists on Facebook and Twitter.
