
Paternity testing is best known for its applications in life, but the benefits of DNA can extend after death as well. Even if the deceased father was involved in his child’s life while he was alive and did not deny paternity, some special circumstances may require DNA testing to make it official. If you find yourself in this situation, AccuDNA can help. This locally-owned and operated DNA specialist in St. Louis stands by their cornerstones of affordable, confidential, and accurate testing to bring clarity and closure to your unique situation.   

paternity testingIn most cases, legal documents like a birth certificate or tax returns provide sufficient proof of paternity after death. But lacking those, many circumstances will call for DNA paternity testing to make the claim officially viable. For instance, a child of any age may need to establish the relationship in order to claim public assistance, insurance or social security benefits, or legal rights in an inheritance settlement.

Paternity testing in a posthumous setting is a delicate matter, so an AccuDNA specialist will proceed with the utmost discretion and professionalism. Following the alleged father’s death, paternal DNA can be gathered in several ways. First, a DNA sample can be obtained prior to burial or cremation, often through the assistance of a coroner or mortician. If that solution is no longer available or is cost-prohibitive, the father’s parents’ or siblings’ DNA can be collected to establish a family relationship through the creation of a family DNA profile.

No two DNA cases are alike, so the AccuDNA team in St. Louis welcomes the opportunity to discuss your needs at length and determine how to proceed with your paternity testing requirements. To learn more, call (314) 845-9997 or visit their website.
