
Summer heat can be debilitating for anyone, but it can be especially dangerous for the elderly. Luckily, there are plenty of safety tips that are easy to put into practice so that elderly people, especially active seniors, can enjoy being outside in the summertime and stay healthy at the same time.

Here, Murphy Properties, offering local apartment rentals for families in the New London County, CT and Washington County, RI areas, lists 3 of these tips:

Summer Safety Tips

Proper Hydration

Staying hydactive-senior-apartments-Murphy-Propertiesrated with plenty of water is especially important for active seniors, who cannot conserve as much energy as younger people and, therefore, are more at risk for dehydration. Seniors should aim to drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day at regular intervals rather than waiting for thirst cues. If seniors are spending more time outside than in their apartments, even more water should be taken in. Aside from water, beverages containing electrolytes or sweat replacement components like sodium and potassium should also be consumed.

Appropriate Clothing

Another way to stay safe in the heat is to wear proper clothing. Fabrics like cotton and linen are lightweight and won’t trap heat, keeping you cool. Light colors don’t heat up as quickly as darker shades, and loose fits are much better than tight clothes that don’t allow air to pass through and reach the skin. Even if the elderly person is not outdoors, being appropriately clothed for the weather while in their apartment can help them stay cool and comfortable.

Attention To Warning Signs

Elderly people should be able to recognize symptoms that indicate that they are experiencing high body temperatures so that serious conditions like heat stroke can be prevented. Warning signs include headaches, nausea, shortness of breath, dry skin, fainting, and a lack of sweat despite the heat. Seniors should have emergency contact numbers handy in their apartment or on their person so someone can be called for help at the first sign of trouble.

For more healthy living tips for active seniors or for local apartment rentals catered especially to singles and retirees, contact Murphy Properties at (860) 599-1980 or visit their website.
