
Parents only want the best for their kids, and studies have proven that success starts with a quality early childhood education. If you want to enroll your little one in a daycare that ties learning with fun, check out First Steps Day Care & Learning Center in Southbury, CT.

You don’t have to wait until your children start preschool to start them on the road to success, though; here are three ways to jumpstart early childhood education at home:

  • Start With Names: At around 24 months, children start to recognize the letters that make up their name. Foster confidence in early reading skills by displaying your children’s names all over the house, including on bedroom doors, bathroom step stools, and the fridge.
  • early childhood educationCount Everything: Children may not fully grasp how to count until 3 or 4 years old, but it’s never too early to start teaching them. Count items with young children throughout the day so they become familiar with different numbers. For example, you can point out the fact that they have two shoes in a cubby, four stuffed animals on the bed, or 10 peas left on the plate.
  • Tackle Small Chores Together: Toddlers are great at sorting various objects, and learning to compare and contrast items is a critical component of developing mathematical thinking. When you’re folding the laundry, have your toddler sort the socks into pairs. If you’re doing the dishes, show your child how to put different sized spoons in their respective silverware slots.

There are countless ways to foster a love of learning from an early age. All it takes is a little creativity and an engaged parent. If you want to send your child to a day care center that values early childhood education as much as you do, turn to First Steps Day Care & Learning Center in Southbury, CT. Call (203) 264-3735 to learn what kind of programs your child can enroll in today.
