
If your furnace stops giving off heat or starts blowing cold air, it’s time to get in touch with the furnace repair specialists. At J.J. Smith Heating & Cooling, based in Cincinnati, OH, they understand that a furnace is one major home appliance you need to be able to rely on. These heating contractors have been in business since 1982 because they provide that dependable service and more, discovering the problem and delivering an effective solution in a timely and friendly manner. 

If your furnace is blowing cold air or isn’t giving off heat, furnace repair experts will consider the following possible causes:

  • Overheating:If the air filter gets too dirty, the furnace may overheat. But your furnace is designed with safety in mind—if this happens, safety mechanisms will shut the furnace off and blow cool air to manage the overheating. This is a fairly simple issue for heating contractors to address, and they’ll provide their client with maintenance tips to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
  • Furnace RepairPilot Light Problems: On gas furnaces, the problem may simply be a dead pilot light; try switching it back on to see if that fixes the issue. If there is no flame, the gas supply might not be reaching the furnace. Check to make sure the valve switch is on—if these fixes don’t work, call a furnace repair team to take a closer look.
  • Duct Leaks: Most homeowners don’t pay much attention to their ducts. But if there is any damage causing a duct leak, cold air leaking into your home may be giving off the impression that the furnace isn’t working.

Whenever your furnace isn’t working properly, your best bet is to get in touch with experienced furnace repair professionals, such as those at J.J. Smith Heating & Cooling, in Cincinnati. To experience their superb customer service for yourself, visit them online or call (513) 231-1156 to set up an appointment today.
