
Chrome plating is a useful process for a wide range of industries, from automobile manufacturing to home appliance design. By adding a protective layer to metals while also boosting their visual appeal, it adds significant value to a product. The professionals at Porter Guertin Co., based in Cincinnati, OH, have seen first-hand how this process can improve the look and lifespan of metal. That’s why, along with their superior nickel plating and metal finishing services, they offer chrome plating designed to provide clients with the best possible results.

To highlight the benefits of this process, they focus on three key points:

  • Protection From Corrosion: Many metals are prone to corrosion and rust when exposed to the elements for a long period of time. Chrome, however, is less vulnerable to harm. By adding a chrome layer to a metal product, it is far more likely to retain its quality over the years.
  • Cincinnati-OH-Chrome-PlatingAppearance: The smooth shine of chrome can be very attractive on a product, giving customers even more reason purchase it. Additionally, chrome is easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that the visual quality it adds doesn’t diminish significantly over time.
  • Versatility: Chrome plating can be used on cars, faucets, appliances, buildings, tools, and numerous other objects. Its benefits are not specific to one industry. Almost any metal product can be made into a superior, more valuable item by adding a protective layer of chrome to it.

To learn more about how chrome plating can add value to your products, get in touch with the professionals at Porter Guertin Co. in Cincinnati, OH. Along with their other services, like nickel plating, their expert, precise approach will ensure that your metal products look great and last for years. If you’re interested in learning more about their services, visit them online or call (513) 241-7663 today.
