
No one likes getting traffic tickets or paying the fines that accompany them, but few people know how to get one dismissed. An experienced traffic lawyer like Marc D. Orloff, Attorney at Law in Goshen, NY, will often remind clients that there is no guarantee their ticket will be dismissed, but in many cases, it’s worth putting up a fight.

Should you choose to fight your traffic ticket, here are five tips to doing so successfully:

  • Goshen-NY-traffic-attorneyKeep Your Cool: Police officers can be intimidating and even abrasive at times, but they’re usually just trying to do their job. Remain calm and be respectful when interacting with the officer at the traffic stop and later in court. It may not always help your case, but a poor attitude will definitely hurt it.  
  • Document Everything: If you plan on fighting a ticket, it is important to document exactly what happened. Take note of the time of day, weather conditions, radar readings, and your current insurance information, because they could come in handy later.
  • Respect The Process: Wear an appropriate outfit when you go to court, and be polite and courteous during the proceedings.
  • Review Your Case: Go over your notes right before the trial to refresh your memory regarding the details of the case. During the trial itself, listen, take notes, and don’t be afraid to ask questions if there is anything you do not understand.
  • Talk To A Traffic Lawyer: If you are not sure how to defend your case, an experienced attorney will help you examine the situation from various angles and let you know what has worked for clients in the past.

Just because you receive a traffic ticket does not mean you have to pay it. If you want to fight a ticket, turn to Marc D. Orloff, Attorney at Law, in Goshen, NY. Visit his website to learn more about his areas of practice, and call (845) 294-8974 to schedule an initial consultation with a traffic lawyer today.
