
It’s lovely to enjoy a summer breeze by leaving the front door open, but you shouldn’t have to worry about bugs coming inside. Screen doors are a simple fixture with delightful benefits, including giving you a nice view, letting in the clean island air, and keeping everything that buzzes safely on the other side. Valley Isle Screen takes pleasure in outfitting Maui residents with quality screen doors, improving island life one person at a time.

To make sure your screen door lasts a long time, here are some maintenance tips:

  • Scrubbing The Screen: Screen doors protect you from outside dirt, contaminants, and insects, but in so doing, they get quite dirty. If your screen is developing a grayish sheen, it’s time to clean it. First, undo all the screws, and gently remove the screen. Next, lay it down on a towel, and vacuum or brush the dirt from both sides. Finally, liberally spray a specially formulated screen door cleaner, let it sit for a few minutes, and wipe it with a clean cloth. Let the screen dry before re-installing it.
  • screen doorsCleaning The Door Track: Over time, all door tracks gather dirt. You can remove surface dirt with a little water, but you’re only halfway done; it requires a little bit more work to remove built-up grime. To really clean your door track, prevent jams, and stop mildew growth, you should periodically use a household cleaner, such as ammonia. Once you’ve cut through the grime (some people use steel wool), dry the screen door track with a towel.
  • Maintaining The Roller & Tension Spring: You can also prevent sliding door jams by making sure the roller and tension spring are grime-free. It’s easy too: All you have to do is soak these parts in a multipurpose cleaner solution for about 15 minutes to soften the grime. Then, gently wipe them with a cloth, and let them air dry. Next, re-lubricate the roller and tension spring with a silicone lubricant before putting them back.

If your screen doors are ripped, give Valley Isle Screen a call at (808) 877-3054, and ask about the screen repair services available. For more information about the Kahului-based screen door service, visit them online.
