
I love to read--always have.  Books are a great way to escape your world for a bit or to spend time learning more about it.  Recently, I’ve read several books related to hearing loss and hearing devices.  These books were written by people who suffer from hearing loss or who treat hearing loss; some are fiction, some autobiographical, and some anecdotal.   I find that I enjoy reading these kinds of books because it helps me relate to my patients.  Also, I can suggest them as resources for people.  Here are a few examples:

Shouting Won’t Help: Why I—and 50 Million Other Americans—Can’t Hear You by Katherine Bouton. 
Bouton describes her experiences of coming to terms with her hearing loss.  She is someone who struggled very much with her diagnosis and was intent on discovering the cause and cure.  She also provides very well-researched information on the subject from a wide range of professionals. 

Deaf Sentence by David Lodge. 
This is a work of fiction based on the author’s experiences.  To me, this book really highlights the social impact of hearing loss.  It also describes the difficulties of taking care of an elderly parent with a hearing loss and/or other disabilities.  I would classify the story as dark humor and I think it is a good read for family members to help understand the affects of hearing impairments.

Rebuilt: My Journey Back to the Hearing World by Michael Chorost.
Cochlear implants essentially replace the damaged portions of the auditory pathway unlike hearing aids which support the existing system.  This is a wonderful read for anyone who would like to learn more about cochlear implants.  I think it is a realistic portrayal of the struggles and joys that accompany implantation.  Plus, there are helpful pictures.

Hear Your Life by Melissa Rodriguez.
This is a series of inspirational stories involving people who were motivated to improve their hearing health, people who are unable to accept their diagnoses, and families who were affected by both hearing loss and hearing aids.  There is a useful resource guide in the back.  It is a quick read—I finished it in less than 2 hours.  I highly recommend this book for anyone who is in denial about his/her hearing loss, for someone who is just starting off on the journey of hearing loss, or any family member/caregiver.

Let me know if you have any recommendations!
