
Every parent wants the best nutrition for their kids. When it comes to their teeth, eating well is important. Alaska Dentistry for Kids says parents should be aware of what foods and drinks to feed to their children — and which ones to avoid — in order to promote strong, healthy teeth.

Here are some foods recommended by kids’ dentists that are best for supporting oral health:

  • Dairy Products: Foods such as cheese, milk, and yogurt are excellent sources of calcium, which helps to replenish the minerals in teeth that are lost over time. Without enough calcium, the integrity and strength of teeth can diminish, leading to cavities and even tooth decay.
  • Meat & Nuts: Lean meats (like chicken and fish) and nuts are some of the best foods children can eat to help promote strong, healthy teeth. These protein-packed foods help to protect tooth enamel by providing phosphorous. Teeth need this in order to re-mineralize.
  • kid's dentist anchorage alaskaWater: Not only is drinking water the best way to stay hydrated, it also proves to be an excellent way to fight off cavities and tooth decay. Drinking water throughout the day can help to wash away food and bacteria lingering in your child’s mouth that can lead to serious dental problems if not removed. Most kid’s dentists recommend drinking fluoride water to protect the teeth’s enamel.  
  • Crunchy Fruits & Vegetables: An apple a day doesn’t only keep the doctor away. Crunchy, firm fruits and vegetables, like apples, pears, and carrots, are great at stimulating saliva flow. Just like drinking water, this helps to wash away left-over food particles that may lead to tooth decay. Crunchy fruits are also high in water, which helps to dilute the natural sugars they contain.

In addition to knowing what foods and drinks are best for keeping your child’s mouth healthy, parents should also know what foods to avoid. Acidic foods, like citrus fruits, should be eaten in moderation so that enamel breakdown is kept to a minimum. Sugary candies and beverages should only be consumed on occasion. Always remind your child about good brushing and flossing habits to help protect their teeth into adulthood.

For more healthy food and drink tips, consult Dr. Chris Coplin at Alaska Dentistry for Kids. You can schedule an appointment with him by calling (907) 274-2525, or you can browse his website to learn more about what makes him the best kid’s dentist in the Anchorage area.
