
When it comes to determining who is at fault in a car accident, you need all of the help you can get. With many factors playing into the final decision of whose insurance company will pay for the incidentals, you’ll need to gather your side of the case. At the scene of the accident, there is no time to panic. Remaining calm and allowing a car accident lawyer like those at the Hensley Law Office in Flatwoods, Kentucky, to do the hard work is the best way to handle a tricky situation such as this.

So, what exactly determines who is at fault in a car accident? The firm’s car accident lawyers provide a short list of some of the factors that play big roles in finding the at-fault party:

  1. The Positioning Of Each Car: Certain types of accidents have an almost predetermined at-fault decision. If it is a bumper-to-bumper accident, the car that is behind the other is probably going to get the heat unless signs point otherwise. It’s hard to talk your way out of scenarios like that, even if you didn’t have adequate time to react. 
  2. Police Report: A common mistake after an accident is to become flustered and get into an argument with the other driver, blowing things out of proportion. Keep your cool, call the police, and report exactly what happened. The calmer driver in this scenario will often get the upper hand from the police—the police report could be written in your favor.
  3. Witness Accounts: Ask nearby drivers, passengers (even of your car), and bystanders what they thought happened. Especially if the situation sounds to be in your favor, ask for the witnesses’ information. An insurance provider will contact the witnesses of the accident to get their testimonials. Especially if the witness is a neutral party, there is a good chance that their word can give you an advantage.
  4. car-accident-lawyer-flatwoods-kentuckyGathered Evidence: Take as many photos and videos of the scenario as you can. Lawyers will tell you how every little detail can play a role in the final decision. Get pictures of the people involved in the accident, the condition of the cars (from multiple angles), as well as an overview of the entire accident’s positioning.

In the end, all of these factors will determine the outcome of the case. If both drivers have the same insurance, the insurance company will often decide on their own. However, if a consultation is needed and you don’t want to lose a case involving your automobile, contact a car accident lawyer at the Hensley Law Office in Flatwoods, Kentucky. To do so, visit their website or call (606) 836-3117.
