  1. Gymnastics is a discipline centered sport. It challenges the young male to make themselves stronger and work harder. They can never be bored with all the challenges gymnastics offers.
  1. Gymnastics helps with the problem of too much energy! With conditioning, core strengthening and cardio, boys will get a good use of energy.
  1. Gymnastics caters to the other sports. Studies show that more football players, boxers and soccer players are taking gymnastics to help with coordination and agility.
  1. Gymnastics helps with mental focus. Studies show that students that are engaged in a gymnastics program do better in school
  1. Gymnastics is a team sport. Boys will rely on the strengths and weaknesses of their team to succeed overall.
  1. Gymnastics is a very masculine sport. It involves incredible amounts of strength and balance. Boys must use lower body and upper body strength on rings, bars, floor and horse.
  1. Gymnastics motivates boys to be creative with floor routines.
  1. Gymnastics is a social sport. It encourages boys to communicate and contribute in groups.
  1. Gymnastics helps boys utilize their fearlessness for higher purposes. No more jumping on the couch, boys will use their courage to master acrobatic skills and techniques.
  1. Gymnastics is one of the best tracks for very young boys to listen to instructors.

    Do you have a boy who has too much energy? He can take a trial in a preschool, tumbling, gymnastics or ninja class.

    Give us a call at 585-663-4810