
In the state of Georgia, as in most states, there is a statute of limitations for personal injury cases. These regulations contain important insights into personal injury law that all plaintiffs should be aware of. The attorney team at The Walker Firm in Warner Robins is dedicated to providing clients and prospective clients with the necessary information about personal injury cases and statutes of limitations.

Here, The Walker Firm shares five things to know about the statute of limitations in personal injury cases:

  • You Have Two Years To File: In Georgia, you have two years from the day the personal injury was sustained to file a lawsuit. As with any type of legal issue, the sooner you file, the better your chances for success. Let your attorney at The Walker Firm guide you throughout the legal process.
  • Minors May Be Able To Have Time Limitations Waived: If a minor was involved in a personal injury and wants to file suit on their own behalf, the state may waive the two-year rule. This is a special circumstance in the eyes of the law. Your attorney will help you explore this option if you qualify.
  • attorneySignificant Disability May Also Waive Time Limitations: If a plaintiff suffered a significant, long-term disability that prevented him or her from filing an injury lawsuit in a timely manner, the state may agree to forgo the two-year stipulation. Again, your attorney at The Walker Firm can help you decide if this is a viable path for your case.
  • Statutes Are Different For Claims Against The Government: For plaintiffs pursuing personal injury claims against city or county governments, the filing window is much smaller at just six months. A claim against the state government can be filed in the same timeframe as any other injury suit, two years. Your attorney will work with you to make sure your lawsuit is filed by the stipulated deadline.
  • Late Filing Will Likely Prevent Future Refiling: If you file your claim late and do not meet any of the timing exemptions, there is a very good chance your case will be thrown out and prevented from being filed again in the future. To this end, time is of the essence. Let The Walker Firm fight for your right to fair compensation.

Call The Walker Firm at (478) 923-4152 to schedule a free consultation with a personal injury attorney. You can visit their website to learn more about their background and practice areas. Georgia has strict laws about personal injury matters; make sure you have trusted legal counsel on your side.
