
If you want to be on the cutting-edge of security, invest in the restricted keyway lock services from Ability Lock & Key in Winston-Salem, NC. Stay safe and secure with their unbeatable commercial and residential locksmith services. They can equip you with a restricted keyway system that is sturdy and reliable.

Here are just a few of the benefits of a restricted keyway:

  • Hard To Duplicate: One of the biggest benefits of the restricted keyway key available from Ability Lock & Key is that they cannot be easily duplicated. Unlike traditional house keys, which can be copied at any local hardware store, restricted keyways are designed with a unique patent that only allows them to be duplicated by certain locksmiths. The manufacturer restricts their availability to the locksmith who issues it, meaning all of the restricted key ays provided by Ability Lock & Key are one of a kind.
  • High Security KeyHigh-Quality Components: All of the restricted keyway locks and keys available from Ability Lock & Key are made with the highest quality components available. Unlike other keys or locking mechanisms which break easily, these restricted keyway locks and keys are crafted out of hard, durable materials; you’ll never again have to worry about breaking your key in a tricky lock.
  • Tamper-Proof: Many traditional locking mechanisms can be easily picked by utilizing a few tools readily available at any local hardware store. However, restricted keyway locks are built differently. Their locking mechanism corresponds with a specific pin on the restricted keyway, making them nearly impossible to pick.

To learn more about restricted keyway keys and locks or if you need emergency locksmith services, contact Ability Lock & Key today. Call (336) 784-0226 or visit them online for a complete list of services.
