
If you are not an American citizen but want to live and work in the United States, you will need a green card, and hiring an immigration lawyer will help immensely when it comes to submitting the application. At the Law Office of Carmen DiAmore-Siah in Honolulu, HI, they provide various immigration law services, including family-based immigration, employment-based immigration, and deportation counsel. 

Here are three reasons to hire an immigration lawyer if you’re pursuing a green card:

  • Complicated Laws: The laws surrounding immigration might seem simple enough, but they are actually full of inconsistencies and exceptions. Experienced immigration attorneys have spent their entire careers learning the ins and outs of immigration law, and they know how to help minimize government delays, mix-ups, and mistakes during the application process.
  • immigration lawyerPotential Ineligibilities:  If you have a visa overstay in your past or a criminal conviction, serious health problem, or job loss, you may not be eligible for a green card through the regular application process. An immigration lawyer from the Law Office of Carmen DiAmore-Siah will be able to help you devise a different strategy for the application.
  • Excessive Paperwork: If you’re a fairly organized person, you may feel confident in your ability to handle all the paperwork associated with applying for a green card; however, that doesn’t mean you should have confidence that the government will track it correctly on their end. They may misplace or lose part of your application or even contact you for additional documents that don’t exist. Experienced immigration attorneys know how to handle the frustrations that navigating the immigration bureaucracy often brings.

If you want to apply for a green card, turn to the Law Office of Carmen DiAmore-Siah in Honolulu, HI. Check out their website to learn more about how they will help you, and call (808) 531-2277 to schedule a consultation with an immigration lawyer today.
