
The question of when it’s appropriate to get Botox injections is one that the dermatologists at Hartford, CT’s Lauren A. Daman, M.D., P.C. get all the time. The procedure, which helps cosmetically remove wrinkles while also effectively treating muscular disorders and migraines, has grown in popularity. The key to answering the question, according to the experts, depends on a number of factors.

So how do you know you’re a good candidate for Botox injections? Let’s examine a few factors:

  • imagePopularity: While Botox injections are popularly associated with older and middle-aged people, in recent years, more younger clients are asking for it. What’s interesting is that people will often elect to do it when they hit a year ending in “9,” such as 29, 39, or 49. That said, unless there’s a medical reason, your age should not be a reason for getting Botox injections.
  • botoxPreventative Botox: Botox is increasingly used as a means of being proactive about the appearance of aging signs like wrinkles. Put simply, as muscles move, collagen tends to break down, which leads to wrinkles. Since Botox works by paralyzing some of the facial muscles, those who undergo it can prevent wrinkles from forming in the first place.
  • Regular Treatment: With any Botox treatment, you will need touch-ups or booster-type injections from time to time. You’ll need your first touch-up approximately 3 months after the initial treatment, but after that, patients typically desire a touch-up every four to five months.

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of this procedure and whether it could work for you, the team at Lauren A. Daman, M.D., P.C. is ready to help. Call these experts in dermatological procedures at (860) 246-3533. You can also learn more about the dermatology clinic online.    
