
Metal is a durable material, but there is always the possibility it can break. You have the option of welding when a metal piece needs repair, but you should also analyze the problem before you start on any welding repairs. The professionals at Brady’s Welding Specialties provide quality welding services for stainless steel, aluminum, copper, and magnesium products for clients in the Greater Tacoma, WA, area. When you need welding repair, you can visit one of their multiple shops, or they will provide mobile welding services with their portable welding units.

When you choose Brady’s Welding Specialties for your welding repair needs, their experts carefully analyze the problem to make sure the repairs are done correctly. They use failure analysis, determining how the damage was caused and what can be done to prevent it from happening again.

The first step to welding repair is to carefully examine the damage and take note of the condition of the broken object. Write down when the broken parts were discovered, take pictures to document the condition, record the temperature at the time of the damage, and protect the piece from weather or other circumstances that can change the conditions.

welding repair A professional from Brady’s Welding Specialties will help you determine what caused the break. Some common reasons include the use of low-quality materials, faulty design, or poor workmanship. Brady’s Welding Specialties knows trying to restore the object to its original condition is likely to result in it breaking again. Once they know the reason for the damage, they know how to fix it properly and help prevent the breakage from recurring.

If low-quality materials were used, Brady’s Welding Specialties will provide the necessary welding repairs and advise that the piece receives regular inspections to catch any future damage to prevent the same breakage. Poor design can be improved by making the area more rigid. However, doing this can put more stress on the piece, which can lead to further damage. If the original workmanship was poorly done, Brady’s Welding Specialties will provide careful welding repair to help add strength to the weak areas.

Broken or cracked metal can be saved when welding repairs are done correctly. Call Brady’s Welding Specialties at (253) 572-3768 to speak to a professional about your welding needs. You can also visit them online for more information about their provided services or to view their portfolio of completed projects.
