
When it comes to sewing alterations, a DIY fix can be a quick and cost-effective solution for small issues. Getting over-eager can lead to trouble, however! 6 Avenue Tailor in New York, NY, tells you when you can skip a trip to the tailor and when a professional hand is necessary.

tailorFind out whether these six common sewing alterations require a tailor’s expertise or not:

  • Unruly Hem: If your hem is unraveling, you can fix it by hand without a sewing machine. Simply find a thread that matches the garment, knot it on the inside of the garment, and make small stitches to bring the hem back together.
  • Lost Button: This is another sewing alteration that you can manage yourself—no sewing machine needed. Compare the thread and the style to the remaining buttons. Does the thread crisscross? Does it make a square shape? How close does the button sit to the fabric? Match the new button accordingly.
  • Pleats: Sewing alterations involving pleats require a delicate mixture of sewing, ironing, and pressing to make sure everything falls in the right place. You’ll get more precise results with a tailor on the job.
  • Difficult Fabric: Silk, acrylic knit, rayon, and chiffon—these are some of the most difficult fabrics to work with. They can be slippery (silk) and prone to lumps (rayon knits). Fur requires a special machine for sewing and should also be entrusted to an expert tailor.
  • Zippers: Zippers can cause bunching or show gaps that will ruin the look of a garment if sewed in wrong. Invisible zippers require extra attention to keep their smoothness. Trust this job to a professional tailor.
  • Special Garments: Need wedding dress alterations? What about hemming your tuxedo pants? If it’s a special garment, trust tailor to take care of it. After all, one false snip or stitch can ruin a fantastic article of clothing.

At the end of the day, if you are lacking the necessary tools or expertise—or just don’t feel confident in your skills—it’s best to take your clothes to a professional tailor for sewing alterations. If you’re in the New York City area, trust 6 Avenue Tailor to take care of your alterations. Visit their website, or call (212) 593-1925 to find out more about their services. 
