
Every parent wants their child to have the best, and this sentiment extends to their smile. While regular trips to the dentist can leave children’s teeth healthy, it doesn’t guarantee straight or aligned teeth. That’s where braces come into play. Correct crowding, close gaps, and shift teeth with the right type of braces for your children. Pediatric Dental Group, located in Honolulu, HI, provides quality orthodontics, helping children create and maintain healthy, beautiful smiles that they can be proud of.

When most people think of braces, they generally jump to the idea of brackets and wires, but in today’s age, stainless steel braces are not the only option:

  • imageMetal: A staple in orthodontics, these traditional braces are crafted from stainless steel. While metal braces are the most visible type of braces, they also are the least expensive option. Children may even find these braces appealing based on the colorful rubber bands they can decorate their teeth with. Depending on your child’s dental demands, metal braces may be best since they tend to work the fastest.
  • Ceramic: These braces are not as noticeable as the metal option, as they are designed to be clear or tooth-colored. However, since they are made from ceramic materials, they can chip or break more easily and their ties can discolor.
  • Lingual: The most well-hidden type, lingual braces are fastened behind teeth. While they have a cosmetic benefit, they don’t always work well on small teeth, as they can cause speech problems.
  • Invisible: The most expensive option, invisible braces hide in plain sight. Their clear design makes them ideal for children who don’t want their braces to be the first feature people see. These braces work best for people without significant dental issues.

Choose braces that will benefit both your child’s smile and self-confidence. Pediatric Dental Group provides more than just teeth cleaning and dental exams; their orthodontics team will help you choose the best braces option for your child. For more information, call (808) 593-8828 or visit their website.
