
There are hundreds of different types of bacteria that live in your mouth. While there are many bacteria that are helpful, a few exist that produce acid when combined with carbohydrates from the food you eat. This acid eats away at the enamel on your teeth and over time causes tooth decay and evenutally, cavities. At Pediatric Dental Group—a dentistry office in Honolulu, HI— they provide amalgam and composite fillings for their patients with cavities. They also help their patients learn proper dental hygiene techniques that can reverse the effects of tooth decay and avoid future cavities.

How Cavities Are Treated

The most common method of treating cavities is with fillings. This process uses a substance to fill in the tooth that will prevent bacteria from entering and infecting the inside. Your dentist will numb the area of the tooth that will be treated, and then use dental instruments to remove this decayed section. After a thorough inspection, the cavity is cleaned to make room for the filling. Once the tooth is filled, your dentist will polish the tooth to make sure it matches the original tooth shape and allows you to comfortably close your mouth.

If the tooth decay is allowed to become severe, the cavity might infect the pulp of the tooth. This can cause severe nerve pain, and your dentist will have to perform a root canal. After the pulp and tooth have healed, the tooth is then usually sealed with a crown.

How To Prevent Cavitiesdentistry-honolulu-hi

Good dental care is important to protect against cavities. Brush your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste after eating or drinking. If you are unable to brush your teeth, at least rinse your mouth out with water. Try to limit the amount of sugary snacks and drinks you have each week, and be sure to schedule an appointment with your dentist at least twice a year.

If you think you might have cavities or would just like to improve your dental hygiene, schedule an appointment with Pediatric Dental Group today by calling (808) 593-8828. You can also learn more about this Honolulu dentistry office's other dental care services by visiting them online
