
Oral hygiene, including regular teeth cleanings and dental exams, is important for adults and children of any age. If you’ve had any dental work done, chances are you’ve heard of root canal therapy. This is necessary when a nerve is infected or shows signs of decay. Dentists remove the pulp or living tissue that is infected and fill the space with medicated dental care materials to save the tooth. The pediatric dentists at Pediatric Dental Group in Honolulu, HI, perform this procedure all the time on adults but want families to know the procedure is also effective for children.

How do you know if your child needs a root canal? There are many different signs and symptoms of an infected tooth, including:

  • imageAbscess: This often looks like a small pimple, on the gum tissue above or around the tooth.
  • Sensitivity: Does your child wince when drinking hot or cold beverages? This could be a sign of infection or decay.
  • Pain: Toothaches or severe tooth pain are never a good sign. Take your little one to a pediatric dentist immediately.
  • Swelling And Tender Teeth: Bleeding or tender gums or swelling around a particular tooth could mean an infection is present.

Pediatric dentists will examine your child and recommend root canal therapy if the pulp inside the tooth is showing signs of decay or if there is any infection or abscess inside the tooth. Certain types of mouth injuries or trauma also warrant root canals.

It’s important to establish good oral hygiene habits early, whether it’s a simple teeth cleaning, dental exam or even a root canal. Pediatric Dental Group provides all these services and many more, at two convenient locations in Honolulu and Lihue. If your child experiences any toothaches or other dental problems, don’t hesitate. Get them to a pediatric dentist as soon as possible. Call (808) 593-8828 to reach the Honolulu office or (808) 245-2131 for Lihue, or visit the website for more information.
