
Pediatric Dental Group in Honolulu, HI, knows that getting your children to brush can be a tough job for any parent, no matter how old they may be. Your kids will eventually lose those baby teeth, but getting them started on a proper dental hygiene routine early on will help ensure they have a wonderful smile later in life. 

If you're struggling to help your child learn proper dental care, Pediatric Dental Group has a few helpful tips for you:

  • Lead By Example: Kids love being copycats, especially when it comes to mimicking their parents. One of the best ways to instill a good sense of dental hygiene in your children is to lead by example: next time you're flossing or brushing your teeth, ask your child if they want to do it with you. Doing so will help them learn the importance of proper dental care and it can also be fun.
  • baby dentistStart Cleaning Early: No matter how young your child is when they start getting their first teeth, it's never too early to start cleaning them regularly. Pay a visit to the dentist, who can give you some helpful toddler teeth cleaning tips. As they get older, scheduling regular dentist visits for your child will help you determine when they're ready to start brushing on their own.
  • Proper Brushing: As parents, you're likely aware that you can't always take your child's word for certain things, especially when it comes to brushing properly. Because of this, it's important to watch them brush sometimes, to check and make sure they're doing it right. Encourage them to be thorough and brush the front and back of their teeth, as well as the tongue.

For more helpful pediatric dental care tips, contact the professionals from Pediatric Dental Group today at (808) 593-8828, or visit them online for a complete list of services.
