
If you’ve ever experienced complications following a medical procedure, you may have been tempted to sue. However, an experienced personal injury attorney in Omaha, NE, wants to remind you it takes more than an unfavorable outcome to constitute medical malpractice. At the Terrence Salerno Law Office, he sympathizes with clients suffering from health issues following medical procedures and can help clients every step of the way when pursuing medical malpractice cases.

Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare professional injures or further debilitates a patient by acting in a negligent manner. Negligence can occur at any stage of a medical procedure, from diagnosis to aftercare.

For a case to be considered medical malpractice, these three events must occur:

  • A Violation Of The Standard Of Care: The medical profession acknowledges certain standards of care, which all doctors, nurses, and technicians must follow. All patients have the right to this standard of care, and as long as healthcare professionals are acting within the standards, they are not being negligent.  
  • A Resulting Injury: personal injury attorneySimply violating the standard of care is not enough for medical malpractice to have occurred. The specific violation must have resulted directly in an injury of some sort.
  • Extensive Damages From The Injury: In order for a case to be legitimate, you must prove not only did the care you receive result in injuries, but they were also extensive. If an injury did not result in damages, it may not be worth pursuing a case. Damages include the loss of wages, disability, significant medical bills, and pain and suffering.

Proving negligence in a medical malpractice suit is the first step to seeking compensation, and it is often the hardest aspect to prove. Proving any malpractice case requires expert testimony, except for a few situations where the negligence is obvious. If you are pursuing a medical malpractice case and need a personal injury attorney in Omaha, NE, turn to Terrence Salerno Law Office. Visit the website to learn more about these areas of practice, and call (402) 502-9002 to schedule a consultation with a personal injury attorney in Omaha, NE, today.
