
While every pet deserves the best veterinary care, Milford Animal Hospital of Milford, OH, says senior animals often require extra special attention to ensure they stay as healthy as possible. Just like humans, pets are more susceptible to conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease as they get older, so taking your pet in to see their veterinarian for routine pet care exams becomes increasingly important as they begin to age.

To help their patients thrive through their later years of life, Milford Animal Hospital proudly offers senior pet care services tailored specifically to each pet’s needs. They offer what they call the Senior Pet Exam Program, and thanks to modern advances in veterinary medical care, Milford Animal Hospital is able to help senior pets live longer than ever with this specialized care and attention.

Milford Animal Hospital’s Senior Pet Exam Program consists of the following services:

  • Comprehensive Physical Exam: Milford Animal Hospital’s veterinarians will give your pet a thorough physical examination from head to tail.
  • Complete Blood Cell (CBC) Count: This series of blood tests helps identify conditions such as anemia, inflammation, infection, bone marrow dysfunction, and other potential problems.
  • Chemistry Profile: A chemistry profile is a group of tests that enables veterinarians to detect problems associated with your pet’s internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and intestinal tract. Additionally, these tests also identify endocrine system problems like diabetes, imbalances of electrolytes, and even muscle and bone conditions.
  • 4: This blood test is used to detect thyroid disease, including hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
  • Tonometry: Used to measure the pressure in each eye, tonometry testing allows veterinarians to diagnose glaucoma.
  • Blood Pressure: Blood pressure testing is used to detect hypertension, which can lead to heart disease, kidney disease, and blindness if not treated properly.
  • Fecal Exam: Fecal exams are used to check for the presence of intestinal parasites, including worms and protozoa that can cause serious illnesses in pets.
  • Urinalysis: A urinalysis enables veterinarians to assess the health and function of your pet’s kidneys and bladder.

This comprehensive exam typically starts for dogs at age eight and cats at age ten; however, the veterinarians at Milford Animal Hospital assess each of their patients on an individual basis and will always suggest testing and screenings for younger pets if they feel necessary. To learn more about senior pet care services at Milford Animal Hospital or to schedule an exam appointment for your pet, give this Ohio veterinary clinic a call at (513) 831-5530. For more information on the providers and services available at Milford Animal Hospital, visit their website.
