
Acid reflux can affect anyone, but for some, it's a chronic condition that can eventually lead to more serious illnesses, including esophageal cancer. Treatment for acid reflux varies, and can occasionally require surgical services. Because of the seriousness of the condition, the month of April has been recognized by the medical community as National Esophageal Cancer Month.

In observance, Kona Community Hospital in Kealakekua, HI, would like to take time to educate patients about the early detection of esophageal cancer, as well as prevention:

  • Early Detection: If you suffer from chronic acid reflux (GERD), you may be at risk for Barrett's esophagus, a precancerous disorder in which gastric acid continually damages the lining of your esophagus. Tell your doctor if you experience frequent acid reflux so they can decide on the proper treatment.
  • Management Of Reflux Disease: There are many ways you can manage acid reflux. Lifestyle changes include quitting smoking, drinking less, avoiding certain foods, and not eating three hours before bedtime. Additionally, some medicines can provide temporary relief by neutralizing stomach acid, though they are not suited for long-term use. For patients that need more intensive treatment, Kona Community Hospital provides two main surgical services (explained below).
  • Dr. Nathan Tomita, Program DirectorKona Hospital's Heartburn & Reflux Program: Using a

    new incisionless surgical procedure called Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF), treatment is now available for moderate to severe gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR), and chronic acid reflux — and they are the only hospital on the Big Island that provides this procedure. Fundoplication which involves abdominal incisions, however, may be necessary for patients with large hiatal hernias.

Is chronic acid reflux a big part of your life? Kona Community Hospital provides surgical services and other health programs for people throughout the area. Learn more about their Heartburn and Reflux Program online.
