
You don’t have to be a professional electrician to ensure your home is safe and free of electrical mishaps. However, sometimes keeping your family safe takes a bit more than just common sense. That's why the professional residential electricians at S&E Electric in Tacoma, WA, are here to offer a few safety tips for their customers.

Regardless of the task, there's always an element of danger when dealing with electrical work. Here are five electrical safety tips every homeowner should know, brought to you by Tacoma's leading residential electricians:

  • Replace Cords Regularly: One of the most common causes of electrical fires is by faulty electrical cords. If you’ve been meaning to replace that frayed extension cord plugged into the wall, doing it as soon as possible could prevent a potential disaster.
  • residential electricianLight Placement: This sounds like a given, but you’d be surprised at how many house fires can start just because a light or lamp is placed too close to something flammable. Be sure to keep any lights or lamps away from other household items.
  • Don’t Overload It: It’s never good to plug too many appliances in one circuit. If you find yourself doing this, consider hiring a qualified residential electrician to expand the electrical wiring in your home.
  • Cover Open Outlets: If you have small children or animals in your home, be sure to protect them by covering open outlets with plastic plug inserts, which are typically sold at most home and hardware stores.
  • Understand Your System:In case of an emergency, like a power outage or blown circuit, it’s important to understand the layout of your home’s electrical system. The next chance you get, take some time to familiarize yourself with it.

For more helpful electrical safety tips for your home, contact the residential electricians from S&E Electric today. Call (253) 272-5813 or visit them online for a complete list of services.
