
While cavities are one of the best-known dental health issues, there's a surprising amount of misinformation circulating about them. The family dentists at Anchorage Dental Center are committed not only to ensuring that their patients receive the best dental care in the area, but also to making sure that everyone is well informed about common problems like cavities. 

Here, these expert dentists have debunked four common cavity myths:

  • Sugar Causes Cavities: While it’s not exactly untrue, it isn’t sugar that causes the problem. The bacteria in your mouth produce acid, which contributes to the breakdown of enamel and results in cavities. Eating sugary and starchy foods contributes to the development of the acid, so cutting back on them could still be beneficial for your oral health.
  • Aspirin Placed By A Tooth Will Help With A Toothache: Aspirin can be used to reduce the pain caused by a toothache, but only if you ingest it. In fact, it’s actually not a good idea to place aspirin next to your tooth, as its acidity can burn into your gums and develop into an abscess, which is a much more serious problem than a cavity. Instead, if you have a toothache, the best thing to do is head into the dentist office. dentist office
  • Kids Get More Cavities: Actually, it’s older people who need to worry. The medications commonly taken by seniors often cause dry mouth, resulting in less saliva protecting their teeth. Children, especially those who drink water that contains fluoride, don't get cavities that often, especially if they practice proper brushing and flossing and have regular checkups with their family dentist.
  • You Can Tell If You Have A Cavity: This is definitely not true. If you can see or feel your cavity, then you should make an appointment with your dentist ASAP. Cavities often sneak up on people without them ever knowing, which is one of the many reasons why you need to see your dentist at least twice a year.

Maintaining proper oral health is important, so it’s crucial to separate fact from fiction. The family dentists at Anchorage Dental Center offer a wide variety of dental services while also ensuring that you know how to maintain a beautiful, healthy smile. For more information or to schedule an appointment, give them a call at (907) 278-2521 or visit their website today. 
