
In a single year, 1.3 million people are arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This alarming number highlights the dangers posed to scores of innocent motorists and pedestrians unfortunate enough to share the road with impaired drivers. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a drunk driving accident, let Peck & Peck Attorneys At Law help. With over 35 years of combined experience, this injury attorney team serves clients throughout the Greater Hartford, Connecticut, area. They're here today to explain how their accident lawyers are the ones to call if you've been the victim of an alcohol-related incident:

  • Holding Drivers Accountable: In the state of Connecticut, a driver is considered legally impaired by alcohol if his blood alcohol content is .08% or higher. Even small amounts of alcohol, however, can impair a motorist's ability to drive safely and responsibly. Your accident lawyer at Peck & Peck Attorneys At Law is committed to holding the responsible party accountable for the accident that has impacted your life.
  • accident lawyerLegal Solutions That Work: Peck & Peck Attorneys At Law will help you explore your legal options in a drunk driving lawsuit. In many situations, the victim or loved ones are able to take legal action against the driver responsible for the accident. Depending on the circumstances, those who served the driver the alcoholic beverages might also be held to account.
  • Financial Compensation For Your Claim: Your car accident lawyer at Peck & Peck Attorneys At Law will work to get you the compensation you deserve. They understand that nothing can make up for the trauma of a drunk driving accident or for the life of someone you may have lost as a result. But they are committed to getting you the financial remuneration you need to move forward with your life.

Call Peck & Peck Attorneys At Law at (860) 236-4782 to book a no-cost consultation with an accident lawyer. You can also visit the firm online to learn more about their other practice areas. Don't suffer in silence any longer — enlist the help of a trusted accident lawyer to take legal action against a drunk driver today.
