
We've all heard the word "mediation," but have you ever wondered what it means in the legal world? Jeannine Talbot of The Law Office and Mediation Center of Jeannine M. Talbot is a mediator attorney who serves clients throughout the Torrington, Connecticut, area. She's here to share some facts about mediation, what it is, and how it may be able to help your legal situation:

  • Mediation Defined: A form of alternative dispute resolution, mediation is the negotiation of a legal matter through a third-party mediator. The mediator facilitates communication between the two parties so that a mutually agreeable settlement can be reached. It is not adversarial, it is typically less costly than more traditional legal options, and it encourages both parties to search outside the box to find healthy solutions.
  • A Mediator's Role: Since mediation is not a trial or arbitration, the mediator remains neutral. She helps both parties identify and address problems and find resolutions upon which both sides can agree. Through a series of meetings, a mediator will guide the negotiation process but will not make decisions for either party. In essence, you are in control.
  • lawyerHow Mediation Can Help: Mediation is particularly effective in issues of family law: divorce, alimony, child custody, and property division. Given the sensitive nature of family law matters, many clients want to work together to reach agreeable decisions for the good of the family.  Jeannine is dedicated to providing you with the options you need to have a say in the future of your family unit.

Call The Law Office and Mediation Center of Jeannine M. Talbot at (860) 626-5365 to speak with an attorney about mediation. Visit the firm online to learn more about Jeannine and the services she offers. Take control of your legal affairs by considering the services of a mediator, and call today.
