
Virtually every woman has or will experience pelvic pain at some point in their lives. Most cases of pelvic pain are totally benign while other cases call for medical attention. Women's Wellness Center of New York is a health resource in NYC that has been addressing women's health issues for years. To help women differentiate between serious problems and ones that are normal, the professionals at Women's Wellness Center of New York indicate the three most common causes of pelvic pain:

  • Gas: Many instances of pelvic pain are often caused by gas. If it’s gas, you will often feel a sharp, fast pain that moves in different areas of the pelvic region. A quick and effective way to remedy pelvic pain caused by gas is to schedule an appointment with a health specialist at Women's Wellness Center of New York. There, the health experts will provide information on ways to eliminate gas pain with diet and lifestyle changes.
  • Premenstrual Syndrome: Premenstrual syndrome or PMS can cause a wide array of symptoms, including cramping. Though PMS cramping can be the culprit behind pelvic pain, other issues such as endometriosis, fibroids, or ovarian cysts could be the cause. If you suspect you are suffering from one of these conditions, call Women's Wellness Center of New York to get a diagnosis and treatment before the problem becomes more serious.
  • Bladder Infections: Women with bladder infections generally experience pelvic pain in addition to the bladder pain. The cause of this pain is often a urinary tract infection. When left untreated, a UTI can eventually turn into excruciating kidney stones. If you have bladder pain, schedule an appointment with Women's Wellness Center of New York to have your bladder infection treated and pelvic pain eliminated.

If you are experiencing undiagnosed pelvic pain, call Women's Wellness Center of New York at (646) 754-3300. Don't forget to check out this video on pelvic pain.
