
Asbestos was once a common building material until it was discovered that the inhalation of its fibers could cause a devastating form of cancer known as mesothelioma. If you live in a house that was built prior to the 1970's, there is a chance that there is asbestos somewhere within its walls. But there’s no need to panic; the asbestos removal experts at Astech of Bridgeport, CT, recommend following the advice of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission when it comes to dealing with asbestos exposure:

  • Asbestos is harmful, but only if the fibers are in the air. If there are materials containing asbestos in your home, do not disturb them. Untouched materials that are in good condition usually don’t pose a threat. However, Astech can provide free asbestos testing of air samples from your home to determine if asbestos removal is warranted.
  • Household products that might contain asbestos include insulated steam pipes, boilers, furnace ducts, floor tiles, insulation, door gaskets, roofing, shingles, and siding. If you have an older home, it’s important not to cut or drill into any of these things because you risk asbestos exposure.
  • If you do find old building material that is damaged or you are about to remodel a home that may contain asbestos, it’s important to have the professionals remove asbestos materials. This is not a DIY project; call the asbestos removal experts at Astech and hire them to do it for you. 

For more information about the dangers of asbestos, call Astech at (203) 335-0502, and visit the asbestos testing and removal experts on their website.
