
Choosing the right day care center and early childhood programs for your child are huge decisions. You want more for your son or daughter than just a watchful eye; you want great teaching that will encourage social skills and set the stage for future academic success while still providing the love and attention your child needs. Tiny World Child Care in Brookline, MA, offers all that and more for your young child. Here are the top three areas in which you can expect to see your child blossom and grow during the time spent playing and learning at Tiny World Child Care

  • Understanding Different Cultures: Bilingual teachers at TinyWorld Child Care encourage children to  explore different cultures for a rich educational experience. Through the use of music, art, and other developmentally appropriate activities, your child will experience the richness of the world's cultural tapestry.
  • Foundation In Spanish Language: Because teachers all speak Spanish to children to expose them to the language, your child will develop a strong understanding of spoken Spanish and be able to respond with a few Spanish words of her own. This foundation will prepare your child for the Elementary World Language program in the Public Schools ofMassachusetts or additional study at a private elementary school.
  • Early Numeracy, Math Skills, STEM: Teachers at Tiny World Child Care incorporate math into everyday activities to give children a head start on these important skills. Daily practice sheets and manipulatives are just some of the ways that preschoolers practice their math skills. Children in Pre-K are introduced to simple pattern and math computer games. A science experiment that each child can participate in is planned once a week in each classroom, all appropriate based on the child's age.

Call Tiny World Child Care at (617) 232-0115, and visit the website to find out more about their innovative bilingual programs and caring teachers.
