
All mothers and fathers “ooh” and “ahh”with pride over their little one’s first tooth. It’s truly a big moment for any parent, but it also means a new level of responsibility over a child’s future dental health. Pedodontic Associates Inc., Oahu’s top family pediatric practice, recommends that a baby has his or her first visit to the dentist by 12 months of age, or six months after the eruption of the first tooth.

Early childhood dentist visits are essential for a number of reasons. Children who visit the dentist from 12 months of age and beyond are also less likely to have dental anxiety – the fear of visiting the dentist – and are therefore more likely to make bi-annual appointments for cleanings. Checkups are important for discovering dental issues, such as cavities, early on, before they become serious health hazards.

An early childhood dental visit is also an educational opportunity for parents. By visiting the dentist early, parents can learn the proper way to care for their children’s teeth and prevent early childhood tooth decay, along with their child’s fluoride needs. Parents should feel free to ask any questions about dental concerns they may have about their child, such as thumb-sucking habits or tendency to use the bottle.

Although an infant may only have one baby tooth now, they’ll soon have a mouth full of teeth that need proper care. Parents who begin teaching their little one about good oral hygiene habits today are ensuring a healthy tomorrow for their child. Learn more about early childhood dentist visits by consulting the children’s dentists of Pedodontic Associates Inc. Call the practice at (808) 487-7933 to make an appointment today!
