
There’s nothing quite as frustrating as having your driveway paved perfectly in the summer, only to have the harsh winter weather devastate it all. A homeowner’s top priority is protecting their investment – that’s why in addition to offering preventative treatments, paving contractor Beausoleil & Sons offers winter maintenance advice for paved surfaces.

As winter approaches, keep these four tips in mind to protect your beautiful paved driveway:

  • Fill in Cracks: If cracks or holes develop in your driveway, use asphalt to seal them immediately. If water gets into these holes and freezes, your driveway can break apart!
  • De-Ice With Caution: Make sure not to use rock salt on your driveway, as it can eat away at the paved surface. Try less-corrosive alternatives like potassium chloride.
  • Add Sealant: Adding a sealant during the summer can help protect your paved driveway against water seepage and discoloration due to solar damage during the rest of the year. It’s an excellent investment.
  • Choose Your Shovel Carefully: Sharp metal shovels can scratch and ruin your paved surfaces. Opt for a shovel with rubber blade edges.

By using these maintenance tips through the winter, you ensure that your pavement will look good as new when spring arrives. To learn more about how you can protect your investment or to plan residential paving projects for after winter, visit Beausoleil & Sons online and call (401) 632-0203.
