
Residential septic systems are a long-lasting, economical option when it is impossible or cost-prohibitive to connect your home to the municipal sewer system. However, as durable and reliable as they are, septic tanks don't last forever, and you may occasionally require emergency septic repairs. If that happens, Gecko Enterprises, Oahu’s premier septic tank installation experts, offer the following steps to take to avoid exacerbating the problem.

  • Avoid Wastewater: If your septic tank has leaked and filled the surrounding area with wastewater, keep children, animals, and anyone else away from the leach field and tank location. The escaping wastewater can be toxic, which is why you should not try to deal with the situation yourself. Instead, rope off the area and hang signs to warn others.
  • Check Water Levels: If sewage is backing up into your home, call an expert in septic repairs to inspect the water level in your septic tank. Sewage backup can be a result of your septic tank overfilling, and the overfill could have several causes. If the water level is too high, the expert can determine the cause and the extent of necessary repairs.septic-tank-installation-oahu
  • Repair Or Replace: Once the septic repair expert has determined the cause of your emergency septic problem, you will have to decide whether it makes more sense to repair the current tank or replace it with a new one. The cost of repairs, the age of the tank, and the price of a new tank should all be considered prior to making this decision.

If you face emergency septic repairs, consult Oahu’s most trusted residential septic systems experts. Whether you need repairs or a new septic tank installation, Gecko Enterprises offers thorough, reliable, and responsive service. Visit them online, or call (808) 637-3240 to speak to a friendly and knowledgeable representative. 
