
Osteopathic manipulation is a hands-on approach to diagnose and treat specific joint problems. The process works by isolating stiff areas in the spine and extremities, and applying gentle force on these areas to treat people of all ages. The wellness coaching professionals at IMUA Orthopedics, Sports & Health have extensive experience in osteopathic manipulative treatment. Located in Oahu, IMUA promotes health and recovery in every service they offer, and will provide osteopathic manipulation that will lead to positive outcomes that are sure to last for years to come.

When you experience pain in your spine and extremities, it's caused when the area in question compensates for an adjacent area of stiffness. Orthopedic manipulation focuses on the area that’s actually causing the pain, and not the painful area itself, which allows for more effective relief. Many may opt for a massage when experiencing pain. While a massage does provide an excellent source of comfort, it is not as effective at relieving chronic pain as osteopathic manipulation.

Other forms of treatment, such as chiropractic, only target the area in which pain is felt, which does not necessarily contribute to relieving the pain on a long-term basis. If you need to restore function, strength, and range of motion to injured areas, pairing osteopathic manipulation with physical therapy will have you back to your old self in no time.

Osteopathic manipulative treatment helps relieve long-term pain by targeting stiff areas adjacent to the area in which you feel pain. Most treatments tend to offer temporary relief, but osteopathic manipulation is the best way to achieve a positive outcome that will last. Learn more about this and other sports medicine treatments by visiting IMUA Orthopedics, Sports & Health online.
